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The summer 2021 collection has been inspired by the atmosphere of the Sommer Hus - Danish summer houses that were originally built on allotments on the outskirts of the big cities, especially around Copenhagen – a place where people could cultivate a vegetable garden if they did not live in or near a rural area.

Koloni Have Hus

Then from the post-war’s, the State allowed small wooden houses to be built as holiday homes, close to the seaside. In fact, in order to compensate for the suffering and deprivation caused by the war, the state offered Danes the opportunity to have a house close to their home in which to spend weekends or holidays with their families.

These garden house communities, commonly called “Koloni Have Hus” were however - and still are - subject to strict rules: it is forbidden to live there all year round, only during the season, from May to October. In winter, the water and electricity are cut off by order of the local authorities. Although the land itself is still owned by the State, the houses belong to private individuals who can sell their property at a capped price, thus allowing people on the most modest incomes to own one.

The good life

In a country with heavy skies and long, dark winters, it is easy to imagine what these Sommer Hus near the sea represented for their owners. The promise of a wonderful escape where time stands still, an awakening of the senses in a garden in full bloom, the smell of green grass, bird song and the sun’s rays warming their skin. Still today, it is a time for relaxation, aperitifs with friends, and lazy family meals; a time for laughter and happiness close at hand. It has always been and still is all about holidays with the draw of the beach and a vibrant blue sea.

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